Interactive Virtual Tour of the Tenement Museum

New York, New York


Laser Scanning


SOE collaborated with Lede Lab, a team from The Washington Post dedicated to exploring the use of emerging technologies in storytelling, to launch an interactive 3D model of the Tenement Museum in New York City, to enable readers to embark on a virtual tour of the historic building.

The immersive experience is equipped with audio, and SOE high resolution photogrammetry and laser scanning to show the incremental changes made to housing from 1863 to 1935 that helped spur protection from public health and safety issues. Through a virtual tour guide, the interactive shows how residents lived in apartments more than one hundred years ago with only basic insurance for fire but almost none from disease. Readers can also virtually step into cramped apartment rooms and experience how landlords and tenants grappled with diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera and influenza, and learn how the fear of fire and bad air left indelible marks on building designs and structures.

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