Laser Scanning
As-Built Drawings
Shop Drawings
Project Management
SOE provided consulting services to direct the repair of a damaged bargeboard at the Henry David Weed House in Darien, CT. The property was completed in 1871 and its Gothic Revival structure and high Victorian architectural decorative elements were designed at the behest and direction of Henry David Weed (1803-1875). The bargeboard is the exposed board running underneath the slopes of the projecting gable roof, and is richly decorated with carved and cut-out patterns commonly found in 19th-century Gothic Revival architecture in England and the United States. The bargeboard is one of two original exposed bargeboards on the structure.
Onsite inspection, core samples, and sounding in congruence with high resolution 3D scanning (laser & photogrammetry) of the gable and bargeboard system, revealed significant rot damage to the remaining wooden elements. SOE extracted a wood sample for sampling and positively identified it as Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus). The recommended strategy to repair the damaged bargeboard is to replicate and replace the decayed wood elements in Accoya wood.
SOE used the resulting high resolution 3D data to develop shop drawings for the proposed work. The overall form and detailing from the remaining bargeboard elements provided a 1:1 scale model to reproduce the features for shop drawings that are accurate to within 1 millimeter.
SOE is working with the Cooper Group to replicate the bargeboard using a combination of CNC milling and traditional woodworking.